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The Isle of South Uist

The McMillans

Title: The McMillans
Posted by: Alex Nairn on 17-06-2011

Discussion: Does anyone anywhere remember the McMillan family from early 1900s? The mother was Catherine and they had 5 daughters (Ina, Jessie, Lexie, Harriet, Angela) and a son (John) (There may have been another boy!!)

I am planning a visit to the island next year and would love to find exactly where they lived.

Thank you


Replies to this post

Posted by: neil macmillan on 07-11-2011

Cathellus was my grandfathers brother. I believe he had six daughters and one son but you probably have that already now.

Certainly my family were in touch with Jessie who I presume was your aunt and also my fathers first cousin. I remember her and her husband well.
I believe Cathellus died quite young in 1935 and is buried I think at Nunton Benbecula.

Angus knows more than I, certainly of the history but I do know that you have first cousins alive.
Feel free to email if you wish

Neil Macmillan

Posted by: eve cook on 28-10-2011

Cathellus or Cathal MacMillan was born 1875 in Lionacleit, Benbecula son of James MacMillan a shoemaker at 4 Lionacleit but born at 25 Lionacleit mac Dhomhnaill Bhain 'ic Aonghais 'ic dhomhnaill 'ic Chaluim from a Torlum MacMillan family. The name Cathellus came down in the family of James' wife, who was from the same MacPherson family as Iain MacPherson, the Coddy, famous for his 'Tales from Barra', MacPherson being an Anglicisation of MacMhuirich; Cathal MacMhuirich was the great poet at Borve from about 1630 to the 1660s. Cathellus MacMillan was married to Catherine MacLellan, as the notes say, from Morar, lived at 155 Howmore, on the site of the fairly substantial house to the left of the road behind the bike hire shop after turning off the island spine road into the Howmore spur, and he has most of a chapter to himself in Lenemann's book 'A land fit for Heroes'

Cathellus was my 2nd cousin with a couple of removes so do feel free to contact me via email if you have any questions.

Angus Macmillan

Posted by: Alex Nairn on 09-08-2011

Thank you very much Donal. I am beginning to realise that there are a lot of MacMillans in the area's history. I have found a family member who is creating a history so I have sent them your detail.



Posted by: Donald MacKechnie on 09-08-2011

Alex, have a read through this thread off Rootschat, I put this on a hile ago, you may find some useful info,98272.0.html

Posted by: Alex Nairn on 28-07-2011

Thank you Anne Marie

I will keep you informed as I gather more info but having heard your story we are probably related!!


Posted by: Anne Marie (MacKinnon) on 28-07-2011

Hi Alex,

I don't live on Uist but did live there for a year as a child, have visited many times and have a good knowledge of the island.

I have a great interest in the genealogy as my paternal side were Uist born and bred & I have accumulated a lot of information over the years and like to help others if and when I can.

I must be related to around a third of the island through my ancestry and as it happens there is the name MacMillan in one of my branches although not a direct relation but there may be a connection which would be good to establish.


Anne Marie.

Posted by: Alex Nairn on 28-07-2011

Already I have found out more details and I will try to post them only once on the site. Don't know what is happening there.

We think that Donald was not my Grandfather. Apparently his name was Cathelus. He met Catherine when she was on the island as a housekeeper to a priest. Catherine came from Morar

I am now a man with a mission


Posted by: Alex Nairn on 28-07-2011

Attention of Iain MacKillop

Iain: I cannot thank you enough. You have just told me exactly where my mother was born. She was Harriet Josephine MacMillan. Spookily I live in London and regularly eat in a restaurant called the Boisdale!!!

Attention of Anne Marie Barr
Anne-Marie: I haven't got any of that material yet but you have motivated me to check. I am going to start with Iain's detail and go from there.

Do you both live on the island?

Thank you for your support


Posted by: Alex Nairn on 28-07-2011

Attention of Iain MacKillop

Iain: I cannot thank you enough. You have just told me exactly where my mother was born. She was Harriet Josephine MacMillan. Spookily I live in London and regularly eat in a restaurant called the Boisdale!!!

Attention of Anne Marie Barr
Anne-Marie: I haven't got any of that material yet but you have motivated me to check. I am going to start with Iain's detail and go from there.

Do you both live on the island?

Thank you for your support


Posted by: Alex Nairn on 28-07-2011

Attention of Iain MacKillop

Iain: I cannot thank you enough. You have just told me exactly where my mother was born. She was Harriet Josephine MacMillan. Spookily I live in London and regularly eat in a restaurant called the Boisdale!!!!!!

Attention of Anne Marie Barr
Anne-Marie: I haven't got any of that material yet but you have motivated me to check. I am going to start with Iain's detail and go from there.

Do you both live on the island?

Thank you for your support


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