South Uist in the Outer Hebrides
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The Isle of South Uist

Photos of Barra

Eoligarry beach 28th Aug 2016
Celtic cross at Cille Bharra, Eoligarry, Isle of Barra
Our first Campsite on the Outer Hebrides. Nice view over the sound of Barra!
Bara airport - the actual waiting room!
Bara airport - the walk to the waiting room!
Bara airport - the view from the waiting room!
Otters at Aird Mhor ferry terminal
Coming in to land at Barra International.
Waiting on the ferry to Eriskay June 2012
Kisimul Castle Barra and Vatersay from Barra
Low tide as we head towards the Barra ferry on the way over to Eriskay. I like the patterns in the sand. The picture reminds me of the feeling of Island life with the dotted houses and windmills.
Secret garden on the Isle of Barra.
Big Jellyfish Bob by Inez White age 5 years
Gulls following a fishing boat returning to Northbay.
Taken whilst driving around the island
The deep blue of fishermen's barrels against the sky on Eoligarry Pier
the ferry leaving castlebay,taken from castlebay hotel
Beach in Barra - from Kodak point on a cycle trip.
Traigh Eais, near 'Airfield'
My lovely picture up the Heavel,Isle Of Barra.

The Isle of South UistThe Isle of South Uist
"Is obair látha toiseachadh - A beginning is a good days work", - T.D MacDonald
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