South Uist in the Outer Hebrides
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The Isle of South Uist

Photos of Eriskay

Free range... Eriskay poneys
A wee selfie with some Eriskay poneys
French connection... The Prince's beach
Gannet in flight. Not actually on Eriskay but taken from the ferry on the way in.
Land of stories... Eriskay
Walk on the beach at Eriskay
The ferry at Eriskay, April 2014
The beach at Eriskay, April 2014
Very friendly and beatiful Eriskay horse at the top of Beinn Scrien in August 2013.
Told a few jokes to a horse on top of Beinn Scrien on Eriskay...
June 2012 beautiful day
Beautiful day in early June 2012 Eriskay
Eriskay June 2013 on our 3rd fishing trip to the islands and start of a great holiday
Soft Eriskay sand - good for writing! by Inez White age 5
Leaving Eriskay for a day trip to Barra.
Fiddler on the Beach This photo was taken on Bonnie Prince Charlie beach. That day we Stripped and Willow and the kids played Musical Chairs.
A bedraggled corner flag fighting the wind on the football pitch on Eriskay
Barra Ferry Port - waiting for the boat to come in.
Ponies on Eriskay in evening light
This is a mystery photo (though I know what it is)and open to suggestions! Taken by an Eriskay shore in May last year. Could it be an aquatic haggis?
The Isle of South UistThe Isle of South Uist
"Is obair látha toiseachadh - A beginning is a good days work", - T.D MacDonald
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