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Genealogy - McLean, McInnes & Sharkey

Title: Genealogy - McLean, McInnes & Sharkey
Posted by: John O'Donnell on 04-05-2013

Discussion: Hi.Visiting South Uist from 16th - 18th July 2013. My grandmother was Margaret Sharkey, nee McLean (Co.Donegal, Ireland) and her mother was ? McInnes, South Uist. Hoping to find family graves, old homesteads and maybe even a relation or two.

Thank you, John O 'Donnell.

Replies to this post

Posted by: Anne Marie (MacKinnon) on 25-05-2013

Hi Folks,

Not too sure if this is the correct family as all there is to go on at the moment is the female maiden name "MacInnes" & no forename for Mr MacLean?

John MacLean
South Boisdale
Died 27-12-1951 Aged 73 Years
And His Wife
Mary MacInnes
Who Died 7-3-1942 Aged 70 Years

Commendations to the people involved in putting these records online at our fingertips as it is a mine of information, so helpful & above all - free!!!


Anne Marie.

Posted by: Jennifer Campbell on 25-05-2013

Hi John,

I may be on the wrong track here but thought I'd send you a message anyway. My grandmother was Mary Ann Mac Pherson nee MacLean from South Boisdale, South Uist. She had a sister Who moved to Donegal and we still have cousins of my mothers both Sharkeys and O'Donnells (Ranafast) this could just be a coincidence.

Happy to help if you think there is a connection.

Posted by: Anne Marie (MacKinnon) on 21-05-2013

Hi John,

I have read so many requests regarding South Uist & although a \"close Knit\" community where almost everyone knows everyone :-) it is not everyone \"in the know\" who is doing genealogy.

I find most requests on here do the \"genealogy nightmare trait\" - leave out dates & areas (which are most important).

Do you have rough dates of birth & an incline as to which area they were from? Even if you are not sure but have a \"sound-like\" place name, we may be able to pick out the area which will be very beneficial.

Although it is always declaired a \"small island\" it is around 22 miles in length which is not so small & has many nooks & crannies.

Will be glad to try & help if you could supply the above. If not sure I use the 20yr marker (an average).

If you assume each person to have been married aged 20yrs you can calculate rough dates upward to narrow things down.


Anne Marie.

Posted by: Gordon Bruce on 07-05-2013


My Great Grandmother was a McInnes from South Uist (one of at least 5 children). One of her sister's married a McLean and moved to Coll. Perhaps they then moved to Donegal (I'm having trouble tracing 'forwards rather than backwards). Perhaps you could give us some dates which might help... See my post entitled Genealogy McIness McLeans


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"Cha roch the 's an taighe nuair a bha ciall ga roinn - You were not at home when sense was being divided", - T.D MacDonald
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