Hello Anne Marie!
Many thanks for your reply. I checked back fairly regularly for a while, but haven't for some time. I'm delighted that you\'ve chosen to respond!
In answer to your question, I'm looking to trace 'forwards', if that makes sense. I come from a very small family: one sister, mother, father, one aunt, one uncle and two cousins. I'm curious to find anyone who's alive today that I might have a connection to, however small. So any children of Neil Dan, John Archibald, Lachlan, Roderick Dan and Alister. Or anyone who's great grandparents were Alexanderina (Born 1863), Donald (Born 1869), Mary Ann (Born 1867) and John (Born 1871). Actually any information would be helpful. As I say, they seem alive and well in 1911, but, without any more recent census', I1'm stuck!
Thanks again, Gordon |