Hi Stevie, Had a look at some records, and starting to doubt that the family I found on 1881 are yours, (Haven,Eriskay , I think) so will have another look.
Reason I'm doubting or re-checking is that Mary Morrison(McDonald) d.1925 at Gorrynamonie daughter of Angus Morrison and Jane O'Henly. Reg. by son John.
Mary Morrison married Donald McDonald 1867 -Donalds address was Gorrynamonie (same parents for Mary)
Mary McDonald marrried James Gallagher 1898 in Rothesay , addresses were given from 2 different farms in North Bute.
Do you have Mary McDonalds 1879 birth address?
However there is a Mary McDonald to parents Donald and Mary McDonald in Gorrynamonie in 1881 census, but she is down as 9 yrs old. This could be a transcription error though. BUT there are a lot of McDonalds in this area. (It might be worthwhile seeing the original, as I have only the transcription on C.D.)
Another interesting entry I found on the 1881 census, these are the only Gallachers(sp) I can find on Uist.
Census Place: South Uist, Inverness, Scotland
Source: FHL Film 0203428 GRO Ref Volume 118-3 EnumDist 8 Page 7
Marr Age Sex Birthplace
Ann MC DONALD U 40 F S Uist, Inverness, Scotland
Rel: Head
Occ: Weaveress
Isabella GALLACHAR W 33 F S Uist, Inverness, Scotland
Rel: Sis
Occ: Gen Serv
Hugh GALLACHAR U 7 M Rothesay, Bute, Scotland
Rel: Niece