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The Isle of South Uist

Research into Eriskay and surrounding areas

Title: Research into Eriskay and surrounding areas
Posted by: douglas mcpherson on 01-03-2012

Discussion: Hello All
Im in the proceeds of hopefully next week sometime coming to view a property on Eriskay with a view to living there along with my partner and king charles spaniel, we currently reside in NW Highland Scotland and previously in central Scotlands countryside so are very well versed in country living if you like but would like to know from the "locals" what life is really like in Eriskay longterm?

Whats the best/cheapest route for car & 2 passengers this coming week?
Is there any accomodation that would accept a one night/maybe two stay with our King Charles (she is very well behaved sleeps in a cage all night and is never away from our side, very freindly and fully house etc trained) if anyone is still open, a hotel, b&b or similar please do let us know as we are trying to arrange something now!
What can we expect life to be like season by season?
Is there a plentifull supply of willing, affordable workmen to do DIY, painting and such like details of such persons a major bonus?
Where, how far is it to the nearest main shops? Hospitals and other ammenities?
Is there really any need to have a car if its only going to stay on the island?
What is the most usual type of heating in domestic properties?
Is there anywhere around the coastline that is plauged by wildcamping motor homers as thats one of the reasons we are considering leaving here as they a lot of the time pitch up next to our property (illegally i may add) and leave all their rubbish on our lovely beaches which is really annoying...
Thats about it for now anything else i can think of i shall add later
Many thanks looking forward to your replies :)

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"Is obair látha toiseachadh - A beginning is a good days work", - T.D MacDonald
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