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The Isle of South Uist


Posted by: Diane Morrison on 04-09-2011

Discussion: I am doing some family research for a friend. Looking for information on Duncan Campbell whose marriage I found to Mary McPhee in 1869 at Ardkenneth, District of Howmore. I am at a standstill at the moment as I cannot find his birth or his death. I would be grateful for any help regarding Duncan as this would allow me to continue my search.
Thank you,

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Posted by: Fred Godden on 27-09-2011

I have some information on Duncan Campbell from what i can make out he was born in 1838 and died in 1895, his wife Mary MacPhee was born in 1846 and died in 1904, they had 6 of a family 5 daughters and 1 son, first born in1870 was a daughter Catherine who died as an infant, the rest are as follows
Catherine born 1875
Effie " 1876
Mary " 1880
Kirsty " 1884
Charles " 1889

Mary married a Donald MacPherson from Iochdar,
as far as i know Ducan`s family all moved to the mainland and were liveing in Glasgow.
hope this info is of some use to you.

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