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The Isle of South Uist

How difficult is it to view an island property?

Title: How difficult is it to view an island property?
Posted by: MARIAN LEES on 29-08-2011

Discussion: My Facebook profile say's, "i need to move to Uist it's where i belong", buy not so if Uist Property have anything to do with it.
While i was home last week i presented myself at Uist Property's office in Balivanich and asked if i might make an appointment to view a certain property i was interested in. I was asked my name and truthfully replied, then to my absolute horror was asked whether i had funds in place to buy the property i was interested in, again i answered truthfully and said i did not but that my house in the scottish borders was on the market as we speak. Not good enough, did i have an offer no i'm afraid not. There followed a sharp intake of breath through gritted teeth and i was informed that due to time constraints and company policy i could not view any properties.
To my utter amazement and horror she was not "having a laugh" and repeated herself more than once in reply to various other questions from, so what you are saying is when i sell my property i have to fly back up and present myself with proof positive that i have funds in place before i can even view a property i'm interested in buying....YES!!!!!
STUPID, MAD or just plain LAZY ??????

Replies to this post

Posted by: MARIAN LEES on 15-09-2011

Hi John
Got an email 2 say i had a msg on here i but can't access it for some strange reason. Can u email me @

Posted by: John MacLellan on 03-09-2011

I have a croft with very attractive housing plots . If you are serious let me know and we may have mutual interests

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