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The Isle of South Uist

Help For a Visitor.

Title: Help For a Visitor.
Posted by: Raymond Jenner on 27-03-2011

Discussion: We are coming to the isles for the month of May, in our campervan.
We are (Ray & Linda + Wendy the black labrador).We have heard that campervans might not be 'that welcome' is that true ?
we have been before in 2007, but then we could only stay for 10 days, so it was a bit 'rushed' and we missed out Barra completely,so this time we intend to take our time relax a bit.
We do NOT expect a 'free' holiday and want to pay for the services we require, somewhere to park overnight,Fresh water,somewhere to dump waste water,our rubbish and empty our chemical toilet. Our first stop will be Barra, and we arrive at 20.30 in the evening. thanks

Replies to this post

Posted by: Kenny Beaton on 19-05-2011

I think there has been some resentment that some Campervan users don't contribute much to the local economy by e.g. using local shops as some come fully stocked up and self sufficient. Also locals don't like it when slow vehicles don't stop in passing places to allow traffic to overtake!

Other than that you will get a great welcome in Uist.

Posted by: admin on 30-03-2011

Hello Raymond,

There are 2 places that have adequate facilities for campers/campervans. I am not sure of the facilities available on the Isle of Barra, however you do have Shell Bay camp site on Benbecula and also Moorcroft holidays on the Isle of North Uist.

Both are listed in the accommodation section of this site, with Moorcroft just being added this evening in fact.

Uist has a fragile environment, and does not have the facilities that are available in much of the Highlands. These 2 campsites should provide good coda for you and your family to explore the Islands.


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The Isle of South UistThe Isle of South Uist
"Tagh do chomhluadar ma'n tagh thu do dheoch - Choose your company before you choose your drink", - T.D MacDonald
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