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The Isle of South Uist

Photography project on South Uist this summer

Title: Photography project on South Uist this summer
Posted by: patricia turner on 02-03-2011

Discussion: I will be coming to South Uist for a month this summer to work on a photography project that I hope will include some portraits. I am publishing a book of photographs of the Western Isles in late April and many are from South Uist. When I was here in 2005, South Uist was my favorite area hence my return. I'm particularly interested in story telling and legends of the area (I included Gaelic poetry in my book). I would welcome suggestions from any and all. I understand the struggles people have had to endure to remain here and I want to hear their stories and document their lives. I did a similiar project here in my home start of Maine. When I was here in 2005, I photographed a lovely gentleman, John Iain MacCormick of Ormiclate. I know he is passed on but I'm looking for his family as the book is dedicated to him and I want to bring a copy to them. So if anyone knows where I can find them I would appreciate that as well.

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Posted by: Bryan Foote on 04-03-2011

Hi, loved your Celtic Horse pictures. Hopefully might bump into you in the summer

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