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The Isle of South Uist

Marion Macdonald

Title: Marion Macdonald
Posted by: Val Jones on 21-02-2011

Discussion: Marion was my step grandmother and she was born in Howemore on South Uist around 1897.She married my grandfather James Arthur Andrews in 1945 and lived in Box,Wiltshire, England.When they married she was a Petty Officer in the W.R.N.S. based in Bristol.If my searches are correct her father was Alexander Macdonald who was a farmer and her mother was Ann. She had a sister Annabella who was a year older and a brother John,2 years older. They used to go back every year in the 1950's and 60's to stay with relatives. I would love to hear from any relative or anyone with any information.

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"Tagh do chomhluadar ma'n tagh thu do dheoch - Choose your company before you choose your drink", - T.D MacDonald
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