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The Isle of South Uist

macphee family

Title: macphee family
Posted by: john macphee on 25-12-2010

Discussion: hello trying to find out if i have any family left in south usit. grandfather was jimmy macphee married to peggy .had 3 sons and one daughter , sons. ronald angus and donald. daughter was peggy. moved to glasgow in the 40s . thanks john macphee

Replies to this post

Posted by: Roberta Muir on 15-06-2016

Hi Anne Marie - I did post the details of the family tree in a blog post - I thought that was tidier than putting a long post here on someone elses forum post. Hope people will find it from my member profile (but not sure how people use this site). You can see it at - if that link doesn't work, please go to my member profile and you'll see I have 1 blog post which you can click thru to. Please let me know if that works. And thanks for your interest

Posted by: Anne Marie (MacKinnon) on 15-06-2016

Hi Roberta,

Can you post as much info. as you know with names & dates please to help establish any possible connections?


Anne Marie.

Posted by: Roberta Muir on 15-06-2016

Yes Joanna - I've already "met" Margaret and Alex MacPhee who are descended from my greatx3 grandparents Neil & Annie - will add more to my blog as I find out more and would love to hear from anyone else who can add to the puzzle.

Posted by: joanna reeves on 14-06-2016

Any luck?

Posted by: Roberta Muir on 13-06-2016

I was only recently introduced to this website when I visited South Uist (from Sydney, Australia) looking for my McPhee ancestors who lived in and around Kilpheder. I am keen to make contact with any McPhee descendants in South Uist or further away, to see if we can find a family connection and assist each other with research. I can be contacted at

Posted by: Christina MacPhee Hunter on 16-01-2015

My great grandfather was John MacPhee, he was a master taylor and lived in Barra but came from South Uist. He died 25.04.1924 and is reported to have been 90 years old at the time. His parents were Donald MacPhee and Chirsty (McVicar). I would be grateful if anyone could help me trace family in South Uist

Posted by: Anne Marie (MacKinnon) on 25-12-2014

What yr roughly would James MacPhee have been born & what was his wife Peggy/Margaret's maiden name?
Do you know which area they were from on Uist?
Were James & Peggy married on Uist or in Glasgow or elsewhere?

Anne Marie.

Posted by: Christina MacPhee Hunter on 19-12-2014

I would be grateful for any information on family of John and Marion MacPhee (nee MacKinnon) as they were the names of my great grandparents

Posted by: Christina MacPhee Hunter on 19-12-2014

Looking to contact Kenny Beaton as my great grandparent were John and Marion MacPhee (MacKinnon)

Posted by: Kenny Beaton on 31-05-2011

Coincidentally my gran's married name was also Mairead MacPhee - definitely a different person though! Her maiden name was MacKinnon and she was from Barra.

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