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The Isle of South Uist

Religion on the Hebrides

Title: Religion on the Hebrides
Posted by: Annie Feeley on 14-10-2006

Discussion: I hope this isn't a sensitive subject and if it is, my apologies. Replies via forum email would probably be best.

I've been told that the isles of Barra, Eriskay, South Uist (& Benbecula?) are mainly Catholic which is perfectly fine with my husband and I. I'm told that North Uist, Lewis and Harris are mostly (or large minority) Free Church which I know very little about except that they are quite strict. ??

I don't wish to say anymore because I certainly don't want to offend anyone. Replies by email would be appreciated.


Replies to this post

Posted by: p hillman on 09-12-2006

having lived in stornoway & having friends from uist, barra etc. i found those of the free church on lewis the worst for their intolarance of other religous beliefs, being atheist myself seemed to really annoy them. uists, benbecula & barra seem to be no worse than any other place on the mainland. this is based on personal experiances of nearly 20 years ago, just before i moved back to the mainland.

Posted by: Annie Feeley on 08-11-2006

I guess I'm wary because I lived in the southern US for 10 years and was 'accosted' on the street many times by evangelicals trying to convert me. Their religion was very much part of their every day life and often these people were unfriendly toward those who didn't believe the same way. I've heard of the fuss when the ferries/flights(?) started running on Sundays.

Guess the best thing to do is continue considering South Uist as a possible home.

Posted by: Jack Gunn on 05-11-2006

Having visited both many times it means that South of Harris (as in Uists) shops and pubs are open -rightly or wrongly- from lunch. In Harris and Lewis Sunday is -quaintly- closed (not totally, but nearly). Your view as to whther Harris and Lewis religious people are limiting non-religious people's freedom... In the old days even hanging your washing out on Sundays was sin...

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