South Uist in the Outer Hebrides
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The Isle of South Uist

South Uist is a great place to visit

Title: South Uist is a great place to visit
Posted by: Margaret Walker on 26-07-2010

Discussion: Just returned from a fantastic few days in South Uist. Had not visited for many years and wish I had come back sooner! Family originally come from Locheynort and Bornish - MacIntyres and Walkers.
Kildonan beach and the museum which has a great cafe are well worth visiting. Also visited Eriskay which is stunning. I stayed with relatives in Locheynort and would say it is so beautiful especially with the sun shining!
Hope it is not too long before I am back and apologies to any relatives I did not get around to visiting.

Replies to this post

Posted by: John MacLellan on 04-09-2010

I was born and brought up in Lochcarnan and left Uist at the age of 15 years We had neighbours whom no amount of gold could have bought,I have been in the city for over 40 years and there doesn't exist the same comunity spirit that the islands enjoy
I hope and pray that peace has broken out on the "camping on Uist" senario
During a recent stay in hospital I wrote some lines entitled John Maclellan's Farewell To South Uist
Requests on a postage stamp and I will post these lines

Posted by: Lisa Gartside on 30-07-2010

My daughter is camping somewhere on South Uist, somewhere near Daliburgh I think. She would have arrived last night. I look forward to hearing all about her South Uist adventure when she gets back.

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The Isle of South UistThe Isle of South Uist
"Cha roch the 's an taighe nuair a bha ciall ga roinn - You were not at home when sense was being divided", - T.D MacDonald
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