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The Isle of South Uist

Thinking of crofting

Title: Thinking of crofting
Posted by: James Owens on 04-10-2006

Discussion: Hello again, I am looking into crofting on the Isle and keeping angora goats. I am English so not too good on the Scot law but seeking help on that in other areas. I would not be able to just leave my job and pitch up there but build it up over times. Does anyone know if that is possible?

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Posted by: Nathan Williams on 07-10-2006

Alas, someone after my own heart.

I visited the Western Isles in the early 90's, with similar ideas to your own.

Regretably, I came away with many negative perceptions, based around the unproductive nature of the land, the weather, unhelpful attitudes, marketing issues.

Yes, I think that South Uist is a great place to settle. I looked at Lewis - which unless its changed, is a kind of depressing place. The people on South Uist, will I am sure give you all the encouragement you need, but the weather is damp and wet for a lot of the year. You would do better in the Karoo of South Africa, where we come from. We hope to retire to South Uist one day.

My recomendation is, get away from straight farming, look at eco tourism, a craft centre. Offer tours, guided hiking, etc. The real value in Angora Goats is in the final product. You will need to submit a business plan to the Crofting Commission. Seek the advice of a local Solicitor before making any offer on a croft.

regards Nathan

Posted by: Sue Rothwell on 05-10-2006

Goats dont do too well on the islands as its very wet so they tend to get footrot, they also dont like wind and rain so the hebrides is not the best of places to bring them to, but its your call- I'll sell you a dog and cat boarding kennels business on an acre though if you like.see

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"Cha roch the 's an taighe nuair a bha ciall ga roinn - You were not at home when sense was being divided", - T.D MacDonald
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