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The Isle of South Uist

Recommend sites to camp between Barra and Lochmaddy

Title: Recommend sites to camp between Barra and Lochmaddy
Posted by: James Brown on 30-05-2010

Discussion: Howdy... my partner and I are planning to visit Barra, Eriskay, South Uist and North Uist this August. We'll be walking and using the bus, and carrying our own tunnel tent with us. We've never wild camped before, but are mindful of the Outdoor Access Code and look forward to exploring the islands.

We hope to have five to six days between arriving on Barra and leaving from Lochmaddy. We have no preference as to how long we spend in each place. Could anyone recommend to us any particularly good places to pitch our tent for the night? Special views, relative shelter, sandy beaches ... anywhere that will enthrall our narrow urbanite souls !

Thanks in advance.

Replies to this post

Posted by: Anne Gilmour Shand on 17-06-2010

Thank you Eoghan, sounds perfect... A :)

Posted by: admin on 17-06-2010

Anne, This may help you.


Posted by: admin on 17-06-2010

I have contacted Moorcroft holiday / campsite directly and will be posting details of the new campsite on North Uist which has full facilities. I will repost once this is done and should be done shortly. This should help everyone.

There are two distinct campsites now on the Islands, both Benbecula and North Uist.

Watch this space.

Posted by: Anne Gilmour Shand on 15-06-2010

I too am planning to camp in the Uists this summer. I am thinking about Garrynamonie next to the beach and I am hoping that'll be ok. Not sure where to check if it's alright? Would be interested to see replies to this post....A :)

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The Isle of South UistThe Isle of South Uist
"Cha roch the 's an taighe nuair a bha ciall ga roinn - You were not at home when sense was being divided", - T.D MacDonald
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