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The Isle of South Uist

Video Conferencing

Title: Video Conferencing
Posted by: iain mac phee on 04-05-2010

Discussion: Hi all, we are conducting a feasability study on linking up islands on the west coast of Ireland to each other, and the mainland, using video confrencing facilities. One of the questions our client has asked is how do other remote communities do this, does it work, and how do people feel about using the systems. So i wonder if anyone up there has any VC experience they would like to share with me, especially keen to hear from business, medical or educational users. Eg. what equipment is in use, is it IP or ISDN, does it save time, money and angst, or is it unreliable and painful. Are there any drawbacks to the system that only remote users are aware of. Does it get used or has it been purchased but people still prefer to jet of to Glasgow / Inverness etc for a night on expenses.
Email me direct with any responses if preferred.


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Posted by: Archie Mackay on 05-05-2010


You might want to get in contact with the local council, who have VC equipment. You can get them on 01870 602425. Or the Lews Castle College Benbecula Campus who use VC equipment for tutorials. I don't know their number off hand.


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