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The Isle of South Uist


Title: Macaulays
Posted by: Lucy Rai on 21-04-2010

Discussion: Sorry me again - if anyone knows anything about the Mcaulay family, I'd love to hear from you ( Christine Mcaulay was my Great Grandma, she lived in Dalebuegh and married a Stewart in 1900 in Dalkeith. She never returned to the island after her marriage and her parents had already died, but I wonder if anyone remembers the family?

Replies to this post

Posted by: denis archibald steel on 20-09-2010

hi lucy my g g g grandad married Jane MacAuley 1823 in bornish howmore south uist she was the daughter of Allan MacAuley and Mary MacEachen she was born in south uist 1800 aprox and died 1880 innorth lochboisdale south uist my ancester alexander steele and jane had 10 children margaret 1825 angus 1827 donald 1829 mary 1831 janet 1833 Una 1836 allan 1838 archibald 1841 marion 1842 donald1848 my direct line is Allan 1838 and his father Alexander etc etc hope it is of some use regards denis steel

Posted by: ali mac aulay on 19-09-2010

Am a mac aulay from

Posted by: denis archibald steel on 02-06-2010

strange but I am looking for information on a Jane mcaulay who married my gt gt grandad Alexandra Steel who was a black smith on southusit they had a son called Allan who married a Mary Mceachen from Barra any info would be great Den Steel

Posted by: Archie Mackay on 24-04-2010

Hi Lucy,

You could try getting in touch with Gilbert Walker at Daliburgh Post Office. He was the registrar for the area until the service was recently moved to the local council offices.

His genealogical knowledge of South Uist families is probably unrivalled and he's generally very accomodating to enquiries.

Daliburgh Post Office
South Uist
Isle Of South Uist
Isle of South Uist

Tel: 01878-700300


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