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The Isle of South Uist


Title: Curries
Posted by: Don Crosby on 07-04-2010

Discussion: I intend to visit North and South Uist as well as Barra this coming July. I would like some direction related to genealogical information on the Curries who were from South Uist and came to Canada via Prince Edward Island and from there to Cape Breton around 1814. Any information as to library or Church records would be appreciated.

Replies to this post

Posted by: Anne Marie (MacKinnon) on 05-05-2010

Hi Archie,

Thanks for the link - interesting reading!

Anne Marie.

Posted by: Archie Mackay on 24-04-2010


Email Am Paipear and I'll forward to you an interesting article tracing the history of the Macphersons / MacVurrich, whose genealogical line is also the Currie line in Uist (some MacVurrich became Currie, others Macpherson). It might be of some help to you. See for contact details.


Posted by: Anne Marie (MacKinnon) on 23-04-2010

Hi Don,

The name "Currie" is sometimes "MacVurrich/MacVarrich" in Gaelic as I discovered on a certificate of one of my ancestral links. May be of help to you?

Anne Marie.

Posted by: Nicholas Brown on 19-04-2010

Try contacting Seallam on the Isle of Harris. Can't remember the name of the man who runs it, but he's a genealogy expert.

Posted by: admin on 15-04-2010

Don, you should have a good look through the forum, there are some key people that would definately be able to help you. I am afraid I am no expert on the matter, unless it involves hills or trout. Eoghan

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