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South Uist Fishing

Title: South Uist Fishing
Posted by: Steven Rodger on 12-12-2009

Discussion: Myself and 3 pals have fished the uist`s for the past 4 years we have fished most off the machair lochs on south uist but would like to spread our wings this year and fish some off the lochs that are not as popular any suggestions or advice would be most
welcome.we fish the first full week in June and only fish the fly .
cheers Stevie Rodger

Replies to this post

Posted by: Neil Rutherford on 18-05-2016

I know this an old thread but are there any lochs open to non fly fishing i.e spinners?

Posted by: Steven Rodger on 14-06-2010

Thanks Eoghan info was spot on regarding fishing in the Lochcarnon area thanks for all your help .

Stevie Rodger

Posted by: Steven Rodger on 26-04-2010

The big loch that is west bi ,why does no one seem to talk about or fish this fine looking after all the east side is fished most days.
any info would be great.


Posted by: admin on 26-02-2010


As promised. Hope this helps.

Loch Drum and Iasgair:
You can see where the fish cages are. Used to work there many moons ago. Large fish in there. A old broch is situated on one of the islands.,-7.31698&spn=0.00781,0.019011&t=h&z=16

Loch Naid:
The small loch to the south with the salmon smolt cages in it yields a lot of trout and smolts!. Accessible directly from the peat road running from the main road at the quarry.,-7.31153&spn=0.007808,0.019011&t=h&z=16

Clachan pool:
Once upon a time, before the sluice gate was built in 1988, the tides used to roar through here with sea trout, saithe, the lot. Full of large broody trout, up to 4lbs. Hard to fish with the slime, but worth it.,-7.290609&spn=0.003905,0.009506&z=17

Loch Shnathaid:
I would fish anywhere from the rugged north west side ride round to the power station. One of the most beautiful lochs on the island.,-7.279204&spn=0.003906,0.009506&t=h&z=17

Loch Caslub:
The big ddour dirty beast. Full of large fish. Boat located on the east side near the road. This loch is legend.,-7.273765&spn=0.015626,0.038023&t=h&z=15

The Schoolhouse Loch:
Full of small fish, got 17 here in 2007 in the space of a few hours. Nothing worthy of keeping, but great fun.,-7.256716&spn=0.003908,0.009506&t=h&z=17

Loch Fada:
Last and not least, my personal favourite. Don't skip it! Fish all round the south side.,-7.292551&spn=0.003906,0.009506&z=17

Posted by: Steven Rodger on 31-01-2010

Thanks for all the info just another night scouring the ordnance maps nothing new there.

Posted by: admin on 31-01-2010

Hello Steven, hope you are doing good. I appreciate that the machair lochs get fished a lot, are popular and have very sizeable fish, however, as Iain has told you already there is great fishing to had in the lesser known [or clandestinely protected spots] lochs with a short walk [or not]. There are some gems which contrast highly to the west side lochs. If you fancy some sport, a bit of fun and I mean fun, then go to Loch Naid in Lochcarnan, you can find it in 70 Lochs by Captain John Kennedy. Loch Fada also in Lochcarnan is teeming with fish, and is best fished on the east side [Fada means long, and it is long]. The easiest approach being from the Clachan Hatchery and heading due south along the fence line, then heading south by south east. You can have a great days sport here, and will take most highland flies. Loch Fada is one of my favourites, and have many happy memories from there. You can see some pics in the photo gallery if you look far back enough.

I fished the School House loch with my best friend after a wedding the other year and caught 21, the largest was about a quarter pound. Was a strange day and caught 2 on the trace from time to time. That's Uist fishing for you Steven, there is no text book.

I would urge you to either contact Wegg Kimbell at Kinloch


William Feltom at the Anglers Retreat:

There are also unamed lochs that will deliver great fish. The small loch that is below the Lochcarnan Quarry, which is very small, has an island on the west side. It is right next to the road. Fish near the island or the lilly pads and if you get one, the flesh is bright red. Amazing fish.

Spotal is worth a shot, also in 70 Lochs, worth going to because you get to see the real magic of Uist.

Loch na Lice Baine, Caslub, and indeed the pool at the Clachan Hatchery will yield large fish.

I hope to fish a few of these myself this year, been fishing them since I was a boy. Might be in the same area at that time.

Get yourself an OS map, or study google maps, try counting the lochs in that area, bet you give up! Pick one out of the way, get back to me and I will advise you on your choice, or point you in the wrong direction because you are making me homesick.

I could talk all day on this subject. Lochcarnan is a trout mecca. Then again, I am biased.

Tight lines


Posted by: Steven Rodger on 31-01-2010

thanks iain any info on less popular lochs will be most welcome ,and no i don`t mind a walk .
cheers stevie rodger

Posted by: iain macrury on 26-01-2010

hi there i will e mail you some grid references for a few lochs ,great sport and various sized fish ,on south uist and on benbecula,and some fly recomendations for that time of the season,hope you dont mind a walk as some are not so popular with the lazy !!! tight lines ,iain

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