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The Isle of South Uist

Coming up to Visit

Title: Coming up to Visit
Posted by: Kim Piper on 11-01-2009

Discussion: Coming back up to the islands after about 10 years.
Whats changed and where is still up and running??? Pubs etc.
Where is good to go visit now??


Replies to this post

Posted by: Archie Mackay on 15-01-2009

Well, in a reversal of the usual trend, Carinish Inn has become a church!

Tigh Dearg Hotel is in administration, Lochmaddy Hotel is for sale, as is Temple View Hotel and Cragorry Hotel has been closed for the next four months due to lack of customers. So it looks like the hotel industry is going down the pan.

Polochar Inn, on the other hand, was shortlisted for an award for its food recently, so it's not all bad news. Is it significant that Polochar's in South Uist while the others are further north? I think we should be told...

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"Tagh do chomhluadar ma'n tagh thu do dheoch - Choose your company before you choose your drink", - T.D MacDonald
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