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The Isle of South Uist

Father Andrew MacDonell/Lady Gordon Cathcart

Title: Father Andrew MacDonell/Lady Gordon Cathcart
Posted by: Christine Watson on 31-01-2008

Discussion: Hi. My name is Christine Watson and I, too, have roots in South Uist. My grandparents were Alex Morrison and Mary MacIntyre, and the last place they lived before emigrating to Canada was West Gerinish. I know from working out my family tree, that I'm related to MacPhees, Monks, MacEachens, Blacks, MacDonalds, MacDougalls, MacLennans, MacLellans, Gillises, and Buchanans. The earliest known ancestor is Neil Black, whose son John Black was born in 1760.

I have spent the last two years researching the emigration scheme of Father Andrew MacDonell and earlier, of Lady Gordon Cathcart. My mother and grandparents emigrated in 1923 with Father MacDonell's first group, but I have just found out that my grandfather's aunt and uncle (Angus and Mary MacDougall, and their children, Malcolm and Euphemia) emigrated to Benbecula, Saskatchewan in 1884. This was a limited scheme put forth by Lady Cathcart at the height of the Napier Commission, so, skeptic that I am, I suspect she was looking to garner good publicity.

If anyone reading this has relatives who came to Canada through Father MacDonell or Lady Cathcart I would really appreciate hearing from you. I think there is a link. At least two families from the 1923 group had relatives who came over earlier, with the 1883/4 group. As well, Father MacDonell had a signed photo of Lady Cathcart in his effects. I don't know if people in the Hebrides still talk about Lady Cathcart, but I have heard that Father MacDonell is still well known.

If anyone is looking for info on Hebridean emigrants to the Canadian west in the 1880's or 1920's, I have lists of names and passenger lists of the Marloch, the ship most of MacDonell's emigrants came over on. Any information on emigrants, Father MacDonell's recruiting on the islands, Lady C's families, etc. would be very much appreciated.

Christine Watson

Replies to this post

Posted by: Lindsay Campbell on 10-12-2014

Hello Christine, I posted a message earlier but I thought that I state it again as we have corresponded in the past about Father Andrew MacDonell. Would you please contact me at email argyllatparadisedotnetdotnz Thank you. regards, Lindsay Campbell, New Zealand

Posted by: seonag macrury on 27-06-2011

Hello Christen,
This year is the centenary of Gerinish being settled
as a crofting township.
Ceolas is celebrating this with a symposium
taking place in and around Gerinish 24th – 26th July.
can you get intouch with me e-mail address regarding your grand parents Alex and Mary.


Posted by: John MacDonald on 19-06-2009


Posted by: Catherine Robinson on 30-06-2008

Hi Christine
I think my relatives were part of the 1920's emigration from S.Uist. My Dads were the MacInnes' and my Mom's family were the MacPhersons.
Both families settled in Clandonald, Alberta then on to Vancouver BC. All my Dads siblings have passed on and most of my Mothers. My Mother (Mary Flora) is alive - she is 92 and lives in Steveston BC.
My Grandparents were Angus and Effie MacInnes (nee Johnston -I think)
On Mom's side they were Donald and Mary MacPherson (nee Steele)

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