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The Isle of South Uist

Travel to and from the Uists

Title: Travel to and from the Uists
Posted by: Tom McLaughlan on 14-09-2006

Discussion: It's great to see Highland Airways leading the way by introducing their new service from/to Benbecula and Inverness. This is good news, especially when recent reports show an upward trend in passenger numbers at Benbecula Airport. With a bit of luck we could eventually see weekend flights to/from Inverness.
Yet apart from this good news for Benbecula we now hear that Loganair are going to reduce their daily Glasgow flight to one per day over the winter months. This is a vital service and both daily flights must continue throughout the whole year.
Having said all this it would also be nice if Caledonian MacBrayne jumped on the bandwagon with big reductions on fares for those who are not too keen on flying.

Replies to this post

Posted by: Tom McLaughlan on 14-09-2006

Haha LMAO....can't even take a half bottle on nowadays.
But seriously, I take your point about the so-called pre-election promises. Hopefully a change at Holyrood will make a difference if you get my meaning.

Posted by: admin on 14-09-2006

Och aye Tom, they may make it an issue to get into office, but I am cynical my good dude. Mayeb one day the fares from Glasgow to Benbecula will cheap enough to nip home. Personally I can't figure out why so many people do fly, I am bad at saving money I guess. I do prefer the crusade from Glasgow to Uist, especially if going with a few friends. You can't get drunk on the plane... I take that back.

Posted by: Tom McLaughlan on 14-09-2006

Couldn't agree more. The other annoying thing is the amount of flights that are delayed or cancelled due to weather. ILS landing systems at all our airports would ensure flights could land in almost any weather....not too much to expect in this day and age.
Would be a good starting point for our politicians who are going to contest next year's elections.

Posted by: admin on 14-09-2006

yes Tom, the flights with Highland Airways have attractive rates, I would say that Cal Mac are not too bad. It's the extortionate fares with BA that get me. Far cheaper to fly to New York for example. I have just returned from Poland and the flights cost me £70. Unreal

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"Tagh do chomhluadar ma'n tagh thu do dheoch - Choose your company before you choose your drink", - T.D MacDonald
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