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family tree for Catherine Macintyre

Title: family tree for Catherine Macintyre
Posted by: stuart allison on 20-10-2021

Discussion: Hi can anybody help with finding any info on Catherine (Kate) Macintyre, born in Howmore or Snushivale South Uist 1878. i believe she had a daughter born 10th May 1902 in Ardnamora (Howmore) called Ann or Annie. Not sure about the spelling of Snushivale.

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Posted by: margaret macfarlane on 26-06-2022

Hi stuart, my husbands grandmother was Ann Macintyre daughter of kate and william macarthur Howmore,(for some reason she used her mothers maiden name. Im not sure how we are related , did Ann have a sibling ?

Posted by: margaret macfarlane on 25-06-2022

Hi stuart, I dont know if I am of much help.. My husbands grandmother was ann macintyre daughter of william macintosh and Kate Macintosh (nee Macintyre. her parents were married but for some reason Ann used her mothers maiden name. is the information you are looking for re Kate or Ann. I dont know anything on Kate but a little on Ann.

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