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The Isle of South Uist


Title: Walker
Posted by: Elaine MacNeil on 22-09-2021

Discussion: I am researching a branch of my husband's family with the last name Walker. According to an appendix in the book, A West Wind to East Bay, by A. J. MacMillan, three Walker men (likely brothers but unconfirmed) left Scotland for Cape Breton circa 1841. Niall Walker (c 1805) was married to Jane McPhie and had at least two sons before they left Scotland - Neil (Daliburgh 1827) and Alexander (Kildonan 1829). Baptismal records were found on Scotland's People in St. Mary's, Bornish. Mary (c 1839), Janet (c 1841), Donald (c 1842) and Andrew (c 1850). There may have been more children born in Scotland in the 10-year gap between 1829 and 1839.

The second of the supposed brothers was Donald (c 1803). He married Sarah McDonald in Cape Breton.

The third of the brothers, John, is my husband's ancestor. He married Margaret McDonald. His birth year varies on census data - 1806-1812.

For the most part, they lived close together in Boularderie, Cape Breton. Unfortunately, I have been unable to find death records for Niall, Donald and John which might give parents' names.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

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