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The Isle of South Uist

MacLeods of Lionacleit Mill and Dunganichy

Title: MacLeods of Lionacleit Mill and Dunganichy
Posted by: Roderick MacLeod on 17-04-2021

Discussion: My father, Donald (1918-2013), came from Linaclete/Lionacleit Benbecula. His grandfather had been miller there until that position was confiscated and the whole family moved to Torlum (No. 15?). The MacLeods arrived in Benbecula from Eigg. His mother was a MacLennan and some of her folk were Clanranalds latterly in Nunton.
I am particularly interested in finding out how the Eigg MacLeods arrived in Benbecula (Dunganichy) in the early/middle of the 19th century.

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