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The Isle of South Uist

Photographs from Western Isles

Title: Photographs from Western Isles
Posted by: Ross Fablevision on 19-10-2007

Discussion: From my previous thread you might know that I am working on a documentary film throughout the Western Isles. For this documentary we are looking to add pictures from each Isle/loction we visit. We seek pictures that are taken from afar showing the area of a town or more so showing an Isle itself.

The places we are visiting are Barra, Eriskay, Benbecular, South Uist, North Uist, Harris and Lewis.

If anyone has such pictures please do send me a message it would be so greatfully received.

Many thanks


Replies to this post

Posted by: admin on 25-10-2007

Hello there Ross.

I have oodles of photos from the Isles, send me your email address and I will get them to you,



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"Is obair látha toiseachadh - A beginning is a good days work", - T.D MacDonald
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