Support for the Islanders
I left South Uist at an early age to pursue a career which was not available on the Islands. After fifty years I still get very homesick for a place I still regard as home and its lovely people, they are the best. Why do I not return there now that I am retired you may ask? You can not turn back the clock everything has changed.
Scottish Government needs to accept that the Islands are part of Scotland/UK. They pay the same road tax but the island roads are a disgrace. A school is badly damaged by storms. Catyy Jamison when asked if funding would be available answered," It will be looked at sypathetically". Was that how they built the pretendie parliament? I think not
White Settlers have in many cases integrated well and contributed to the community but the down side is that many local people cannot compete ,for property, with the moneyed people from the city.It would help if properties were not sold for the sole purpose of holiday homes |