South Uist in the Outer Hebrides
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The Isle of South Uist

Search for great-great grandfather - Malcolm Munroe

Title: Search for great-great grandfather - Malcolm Munroe
Posted by: Glenn Stundon on 22-11-2016

Discussion: Sketchy family records has Malcolm living in the Outer Hebrides, Uist is all I have. In 1850 he would have been approximately 20 yrs. old. If there is anyone who may shed a light, please do. I'm Nova Scotian and he migrated here.

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Posted by: Don MacPhee on 05-01-2017

Hello Glen
I lived in Lochboisdale in the 70's, one of our neighbours was Archie Munro. It is the only time I have come across this surname locally. He was married to Mary MaCrury, Benbecula. He died in the early 80's, predeceased by his family. I can remember him talking of sailing on windjammers around the Horn when he was a young man. There is a photograph of him and his neighbour demonstrating the making of heather rope on the Dr Kenneth Robertson site. Also, look him up on the Hallan cemetery site.
Hope this may help.

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