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The Isle of South Uist

Lochboisdale Post Office Coast Radio Station.

Title: Lochboisdale Post Office Coast Radio Station.
Posted by: Martin Briscoe on 03-10-2016

Discussion: I wonder if anyone knows anything about the Post Office coast radio station at Lochboisdale - I know it is now a B&B.

I have seen newspaper reports mentioning it from when it opened in 1906 and it gets mentioned in the book on St Kilda in WWI. The Admiralty transferred it back to the Post Office 17th April 1919.

A book refers to a Direction Finding Service restarting in 1940 with three DF stations at Cape Wrath and the Hebrides. Cape Wrath is probably Sheigra, Hebrides could refer to the one at Gallan Head so wondering if the other was Lochboisdale? Does anyone know if it was in operation through WWII - a DF station would normally be a sall building with four masts around it.


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