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The Isle of South Uist

McPhee of South Uist

Title: McPhee of South Uist
Posted by: Roberta Muir on 13-06-2016

Discussion: I am the great-great-great grandaughter of Niel MacPhee (Circa 1780-1845, born or lived in Smercleit in his youth) and his wife Ann MacAuley (circa 1791-1877). They were married around 1811 and lived mainly in Kilpheder (though perhaps also Loch Baghasdail). Their children were Donald, Angus, Ranald, Marion, John, Catherine, Malcolm, Mary, Margaret/Peggy, Janet/Jessie, Kate and Marion (all pretty common I know - but perhaps the combination appearing in other families will be a lead). I live in Sydney, Australia and am keen to make contact with any McPhee descendants in South Uist or further afield, to see if we can find a family connection and assist each other with research. I can be contacted at

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