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The Isle of South Uist

Sea angling question

Title: Sea angling question
Posted by: Neil Rutherford on 17-05-2016

Discussion: Hi there good folk,

Doing one of my many trips to the Uists at the end of the month and wanted to know locations for Pollack & Saithe spinning of the rocks, where on the east side is it possible for Mackies and any chances of a Bass (I've heard North Uist could be a guarded secret!).

Fished Eriksay but not much luck either on the causeway (Uists end) nor near Sheisinis on Eriksay itself. Any pointers please?

Oh, do you get Sea Troot of the east side beaches?

Lastly, I'm not a fly fisherman but is there any wee lochs open to spinners at all?


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Posted by: Neil Rutherford on 31-07-2016

oh well that was a complete waste of time, thanks!

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