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James Morrison re Dougald MacCormack

Title: James Morrison re Dougald MacCormack
Posted by: Jim MacCormack on 23-04-2016

Discussion: Just received your post this day.
Nancy was pregnant during her voyage on the Jane and gave birth shortly after landing in PEI on July 12, 1790. Sadly, some two years later she would die in childbirth after delivering a healthy son John. Her husband eventually remarried. somewhere I have the name and date of the second marriage.
Nancy came with her two brothers, Donald and Angus, whose histories are well documented in the Launching Point area of PEI. Hugh lived in the same district as recorded in the 1896 PEI Lot census.
Sara was the daughter of Dougald, who in turn was the son of Neil. Neil, a young accomplished boat builder, was recruited from Donegal, Ireland circa 1678 to come to Scotland to build galleys for the Chieftian of the Clanranald. He took up residence in Castle Toriam, at Moidart. The ruins of that castle are still there and should be visited if you go to Scotland.
After Culloden, the clan system was effectively abolished and warfare prohibited. Neil's services were no longer required so he headed for South Uist where he spent the rest of his days.
It should be of some passing interest that Neil claimed to be a descendent of King Cormac, arguably one of Ireland's greatest kings who ruled for some 40 years circa 236AD.
One of his Neil's was Dougald, born circa 1708-20, who had at least three children: Donald, of Frobost, Angus of Boisdale and Nancy.
The latter three came together on the Jane. But they had joined Dougald from the nearby Isle of Eigg for the crossing.. It is from Dougald that I descend.
I cannot definitively connect the four, but indications suggest that my Dougald was originally from South Uist and went to Eigg as part of a resettlement program. I suspect he might be a brother of the others, or at least a first cousin. To date I have had no success in confirming that.
One of the best documented accounts of "our" Maccormacks is the late John R.MacCormack's book: Highland Heritage & Freedom's Quest. It chronicles three centuries of MacCormacks in Ireland, scotland, PEI and cape Breton.
I had the privilege of spending time with Prof. John before his death and he is the source of much of the information I have. The publisher was Kinloch Books, Apt. 509, 85 Spinnaker Drive, Halifax, NS B3N 3E3, Tel 902 -422-7178.
Not sure how valid that address remains, for, as memory serves me, it could very well have been John's address.
I'd say its a must read before going to South Uist. If you are unable to get a response from the publishing info, get back to me and I would be willing to try to trackdown a copy for you.
Jim MacCormack 902 595 4582.

Replies to this post

Posted by: Shirley Croton on 13-09-2019

Hi Jim
I am wanting any information on my Paternal Grandfathers Family from South Uist. Angus MacCormack married Catherine Johnstone, and Neil Gordon MacCormack was born from their marriage. Neil Gordon MacCormack is my Grandfather.
Neil emigrated to New Zealand in early 1900,s and never made it back home
I would love any information on any living Family as will be visiting South Uist in 2020 and its my lifelong wish to connect with my Scottish heritage. Thank you

Posted by: Albert McMahill on 07-11-2017

Jim -- Well, what can I say? I have tried the email address you shared (as above) any number of times now (most recently just yesterday) and in each case the message comes back to me/us as "undeliverable." How about this as an idea . . . why don't you write to us at

and we'll see what happens . . . P is now digging into research re: the Moidart area on the mainland . . . Hope to hear from you soon.



Posted by: Jim MacCormack on 26-09-2017

Al and Patrica Great that you could track me down. My email address is Give it another try.

Posted by: Albert McMahill on 21-09-2017

Jim -- Al and Patricia here . . . we met you and Brian at the South Uist Museum a few weeks ago. Have been trying to reach you at the Nova Scotia email address I wrote down, but I believe I did so incorrectly. Would love to send you the website links we discussed but am not sure how to do so. It might just be simpler for you to dive into our exchanges in this Forum re: the Campbells . . . if that does not work for you we'll need another approach . . . it is not every day that P meets up with a long lost relative . . . :-) Peace, Al McMahill

Posted by: Jim MacCormack on 18-06-2017

I will be visiting Eigg and South Uist in early Sept. and wondering if you were able to find any additional information on our ancestors.
As well, I would be interested in any travel tips based on your visits or of any individuals or sites you might advise that I pursue.
Jim MacCormack

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