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Project Seagrass needs your help!

Title: Project Seagrass needs your help!
Posted by: Richard Unsworth on 30-03-2016

Discussion: Can you help Project Seagrass collect data on seagrass in the Hebrides?

I’m a researcher based at Swansea University in Wales where I specialise in seagrass research. I’m also director of the conservation charity Project Seagrass (

At Project Seagrass we’ve developed a website and phone app to increase our knowledge of Seagrass in the UK. The plans for this are to hopefully expand it into a repository for all UK seagrass data.

We’re currently trying to get people to start using the app (available on Google play) and are keen to target areas where little is known about the seagrasses (e.g. western Isles).

The app is explained in more detail here:

If you’re keen to help and have any photos please visit the page at register

If you know anyone else who might be interested by this in the Western Isles please pass it onto them.

If anyone would like any further information please don't hesitate to contact me at

Kind regards,


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