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Calling all Campbells

Title: Calling all Campbells
Posted by: Sue Campbell on 26-01-2016

Discussion: Does anyone know the family that my father in law belonged to? His name was Donald John Campbell DOB: 07/01/1920 Merchant Seaman.

Replies to this post

Posted by: Sue Campbell on 28-08-2016

Hi Anne Marie
Thank you for the information. I will follow this up asap.
Kind regards
Sue Campbell

Posted by: Anne Marie (MacKinnon) on 11-07-2016

Hi Sue,

I did a search & seems he was born 1922 in "County" Inverness, "District" Boisdale area if I have my research correct.

You need to now expand your window of search 1917 - 1922 which will give you 25 records on the index for the same cost of 23p in case of other siblings which will not cost more at a later date.

Here is the index entry with the info. above leaving forename blank & both sex option which I paid & had a look at.......


This needs to be ordered through with the info. I posted earlier.

This will give both his parent's names with mother's maiden name with date & place of marriage.

If you need help you can contact me by email

Replace at with @

Hope this helps.

Anne Marie

Posted by: Sue Campbell on 14-05-2016

Hi Ann Marie
Please forgive my lateness at replying. In answer to your question,
Donald was a merchant seaman and landed at Lyttleton Port in New Zealand and married Alice Jones(nee Stewart). They had 1 son (My Husband) Alexander John Campbell. However on the marriage Certificate there are no mother or Father for Donald just where he was born and his DOB. He passed before his son and away before I could meet him as he was estranged from his son.
Donald was born in South Uist on 07/01/1923 not 1920 as I had written before.
My children are searching for family as we do not know anything from Donald's family. Its a shame I never knew he was still alive as his wife in NZ said he had died years before which he did not.
If you have any information it would be most welcome. My children and I don not want anything from the family apart from to know who and where they are from, as they, now have children and wish to be able to show where they all come from.
Thank you so much for replying it is much appreciated.Hope this has helped.

Posted by: Anne Marie (MacKinnon) on 12-03-2016

Hi Sue,

This may be D J Campbell who was married to Mary Currie?

You will be able to confirm this from your husband's birth cert. If so, I may be able to help.

Can you tell us what exactly you would like to know please?

Anne Marie

Posted by: Anne Marie (MacKinnon) on 07-03-2016

Hi Sue,

If you go to which is a pay-per-view site, reasonably priced at 30 credits for £7.00 you will be able to find & order the cert. online but you will need 60 credits as the index will be 23p for 25 names which is worth looking at. If you start with a window with 1919 - 1921 you can expand on that for others who may be related but leave forename blank. You will then have to pay for full cert. as it can't be downloaded.

They have a privacy rule for births 100 yrs. others beyond that (backward) can be downloaded for 5 credits.

Let me know when you have the details from the birth as I may be able to help you further.

Anne Marie

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