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The Isle of South Uist

Forum issues fixed

Title: Forum issues fixed
Posted by: admin on 17-08-2007

Discussion: Forum posting issues have been resolved.

Replies to this post

Posted by: mary michie on 17-08-2007

Hi Eoughan,

Thought for you
Is it possible to get a map made up for uist noth and south uist
It may help for people that do not know uist to well as they may get a better idia were their folks came from
Just anouther thing to get that great brain of yours wokinging overtime sweet dreams


Posted by: mary michie on 17-08-2007

HI Eoughan

Thank you for your response to my Q on chat this is a problem that i am sure you will overcome,
I have tryed to conect but as you say it is not being used,
I also agre that if we could see how meny were on it would be used so much you would not be able to keep up
Will try with conectinons that i have made to chat and get back to you with how we got on all the best and slange bha i am sure this is not how it is spelt but then ihave hade acouple of glasses of wine know speake to you sooon i am sure ithe good news on chat
mary ps spell check would not go wrong ha ha ha!

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The Isle of South UistThe Isle of South Uist
"Cha roch the 's an taighe nuair a bha ciall ga roinn - You were not at home when sense was being divided", - T.D MacDonald
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