South Uist in the Outer Hebrides
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The Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust - May visit

Title: The Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust - May visit
Posted by: Conor Ryan on 04-05-2015

Discussion: The Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust will visit the Outer Hebrides (and Gairloch and Canna) during May as part of SeaChange: an education, outreach and research project which aims to promote whales, dolphins and porpoises as an important part of the natural heritage of the Hebrides. We hope to meet with all those interested in marine mammals, and those who are employed in the whale-watch tourism sector. We will also be visiting schools along our route to deliver educational talks and workshops to primary and secondary school students. There will be a series of illustrated presentations about the natural history of whales and dolphins of the Hebrides and recent research findings by HWDT, at six locations (see below). These are free events and all are welcome to join! Booking not essential.

We are also looking for a local ambassador at each location to act as a liaison for HWDT in their locality. This will be a voluntary role, it will not involve a lot work and we will provide some resources. If you are keen or know someone that is, please reply to this email.

I hope to meet you at one of our events:

Date Location Event Time Venue
09/05/2015 Gairloch public talk 19:30 Gairloch Community Hall
12/05/2015 Harris public talk 19:30 Tarbert Community Hall
13/05/2015 North Uist public talk 19:30 Claddach-Kirkibost Centre
16/05/2015 South Uist public talk 19:30 Talla Chidhe
19/05/2015 Barra public talk 19:30 Castlebay Community Hall
25/05/2015 Canna public talk 19:30 The Chapel

Best wishes,

Dr Conor Ryan
Sightings and Strandings Officer
Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust
p: +44 (0)1688 302620
t: @HWDT_org
a: 28 Main Street,
Isle of Mull,
Scotland PA75 6NU

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