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The Isle of South Uist

Remembering DJ MacPhee - Donald John AKA Shelley

Title: Remembering DJ MacPhee - Donald John AKA Shelley
Posted by: Donald MacGillavry on 15-02-2015

Discussion: A wee shout out to old DJ MACPHEE -

Sleep well DJ, we'll tend the shores now.
I mind when i first met DJ back a good 40 years now, and I went to shake his hand and he presented me with the rear end of a turtle. I didn't know then that the turtle was an irremovable attachment - at that stage, given my young age and lack of travel I had never encountered anyone that had a Snapping Turtle attached to there hand.
I remember old DJ playing with us kids at the youth club - using "Shelley - The Turtle" as a bat, rocketing shot after shot off that angular shell.
Please share any memories you have of DJ - a man who spent his latter life with a turtle living on his hand is a man who's story deserves to be told.

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Posted by: Roberta Muir on 13-06-2016

Hi Donald - it's 16 months since you posted this moving tribute to DJ who sounds like an intriguing character. I was only recently introduced to this website when I visited South Uist (from Sydney, Australia) looking for my McPhee ancestors who lived in and around Kilpheder. Is it possible DJ was also one of their descendants too? Can you tell me anything more about him? I can be contacted at
Thanks for any assistance you can give.

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"Cha roch the 's an taighe nuair a bha ciall ga roinn - You were not at home when sense was being divided", - T.D MacDonald
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