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The Isle of South Uist

Memorial to Donald John MacDonald and Donald MacIntyre on South Uist

Title: Memorial to Donald John MacDonald and Donald MacIntyre on South Uist
Posted by: Martin Briscoe on 22-10-2014

Discussion: I have been going to through photographs that I took some years ago, adding images of things like war memorial to the Royal Commission of Ancient and Historic Monuments of Scotland Canmore site.

I took some of the memorial to Donald John MacDonald and Donald MacIntyre, South of Loch Dobhrain. I like to transcribe any inscriptions but the lettering was faded so it is difficult with me not understanding Gaelic.

I wonder if anyone knows of a full transcription of these anywhere online or someone can perhaps transcribe and post here.

The pictures are at

Martin Briscoe
Fort William

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Posted by: Susan Ross on 29-10-2021

Second part:
Donald MacIntyre
'Domhnall Ruadh Phaislig'
Born SNISHIVAL - 1st Oct 1889
DIED 7th Jan 1964

Crowned Bard
National Mod - Glasgow 1938

Dh'fhag thu dileab tha luachmhor
Mar bheath'a dh'inntinn an t-sluaigh
tha dhe d'naisean,
Beartas litreachais phriseil
'S e gu gibhteil leat sgriobht
ann am bàrdachd.
Chuir do sheirbheis 's gach cuspair dhi
Fuil bu deirg ann an cuislean
na Gàidhlig

A verse from the poem 'Do Dhòmhnull Ruadh Mac an t-Saoir', 'To Donald Ruadh Macintyre' composed by his nephew Donald John MacDonald (who shares the memorial).
see Bill Innes' edited collection of his poetry
'Chì Mi - the Gaelic Poetry of Donald John MacDonald' (Birlinn 1998) p.222

Bill Innes' translation:
You left a precious legacy
To nourish the spirit of your people,
A treasure of priceless literature,
Giftedly written in verse:
Your work in every subject
Put reddest blood in the veins of Gaelic.

Posted by: Susan Ross on 29-10-2021

Hello, here's my transcription of Donald John MacDonald's side and some notes:
Donald John MacDonald
Domhnall Iain Dhonnchaidh
Born PENINERINE 7th Feb 1919
Died 2nd Oct 1986

Crowned Bard
National Mod Glasgow 1948

Cùm nad chuimhne gu h-araid
Gur Dia a chruthaich do bhràthair
'S co-dhiubh dubh no 's ann bàn e
Nì 'n t-anam dearrsadh gun smùr
'S ged nach d'fhuair e do shaoibhreas
Na rinn duin-uasal le loinn dheth
An sùilean Dhè nì e soillseadh
Mar ghriogag dhaoimein 's i ùr.

A verse from his poem 'Feasgar Beatha', Evening of Life.
see Bill Innes' edited collection of his poetry
'Chì Mi - the Gaelic Poetry of Donald John MacDonald' (Birlinn 1998) p.258
note the 2nd line in the book is a little different:
'S co-dhiù 's ann dubh no 's ann bàn e.

The spelling is also a little different in the book. In the above transcription, however, I've followed what I can see from the photo.

Bill Innes' translation:
Always remember especially
That God created your brother -
Be he black, be he fair,
The soul shines without stain:
Though he have not the means
To be a fine gentleman,
in God's eyes he will gleam
Like a diamond new-cut.

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