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The Isle of South Uist

Holiday homes

Title: Holiday homes
Posted by: Calum Fox on 03-11-2013

Discussion: Hi there, I'm a joiner from Oban who has recently acquired a little bit of land from a friend with uist roots. I was wondering what the demand is for holiday homes, particularly in iochdar. I may look to build there if it was right for the community and tourists alike. Does anyone know much about this area? Also is there a local letting agency or is it only the holiday who deals with it?

Any help, tips or info will be gratefully recieved

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Posted by: Jonathan Bridge on 29-12-2013

Hi Calum. Number of holiday lets in Uist has increased at least 5-fold over past 5 years, possibly 10-fold in last 10 years. Now there's a serious over-supply: many holiday lets are now far from fully booked even May-Sep (which you need to make it pay - the real profit is from winter lets). You say you would build if it was 'right for the community', but to be quite frank how can it be good for the local community - for rely on their lettings to survive - to have an outsider come in and take business away from them, and take profits out of the local economy? From my own experience, the profits from self-catering lets are either sufficient to give a return on investment, or to pay for labour in managing (which is more work than most realize), but very rarely both, unless you have an exceptional house and exceptional luck (eg Blue Reef Cottages in Harris - but you'll need exceptional site, £0.5m and will spend all your time on marketing). Hope this helps.

Posted by: Donnie Steele on 06-11-2013

Good place for a holiday home. Lots of people seeking May - Sep.

Uist Property or Anderson Banks for letting.

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