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james nicholson

Title: james nicholson
Posted by: richard nicholson on 07-10-2013

Discussion: I am trying to find details of James Nicholson born abt 1841 on South Uist, I believe the family were crofters. James married Isabella McCrae more than this I don't know. I hope that someone can help me

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Posted by: Iain MacKillop on 30-01-2014

There isn't much in the way of details in the Croft History except for the bare details of the 1841 Census and a note saying that the family left Uist in the 1850s. James was a "calveherd" on Rev. Roderick MacLean's farm at Dremisdale in the 1851 Census.

Posted by: Anne Marie (MacKinnon) on 01-11-2013

Hi James,

If you use SP, use the soundex option as the spelling I have is Nicolson.

Alexander Nicolson (Iochdar) = (1) Mary Campbell (N. Frobost) 1832 Bornish which will be St. Mary’s on SP.

James had siblings:

Archibald c 1833
James Nicolson (which you have from Angus M)
Mary 14 Jun 1838 bapt. 24 Jun 1838 (Ardkenneth)
Roderick c 1841
Neil c 1842
Alexander c 1844
Duncan c 1846
Hugh c 1847
Malcolm c 1848

Alexander Nicolson (Iochdar) = (2) Catherine MacLellan (Iochdar) 04 Dec 1849, Ardkenneth Parish

Mary c 1851

It appears from 2nd marriage transcript that Alexander’s father was Archibald.

There was a Malcolm Nicolson b c 1848 on 1851 census (with his grandfather Roderick MacLellan & his daughter Christian aged 25 U (so could be her son)? Seems a bit of a coincidence though.

Right beneath which was possibly next door is:
Alexander Head 45 (1806) Moss Crofter
Catherine Wife 29 (1822)
Roderick 9 Son (1842)
Duncan 5 Son (1846)
Mary 11m Dau (1841)

So a bit of work to do to get the truth as the 2nd marriage transcript didn’t have Alexander as a Widower (not to say he wasn’t) but it gives rise to a ? as he wouldn’t have been able to marry for a 2nd time within a catholic church if he was a divorcee so there may have been 2 Alexander Nicolson’s (doubtful but not impossible) but does need to be proven that this was the same man marrying twice.


Anne Marie.

Posted by: Angus MacMillan on 29-10-2013

The only possibility would seem to be James Nicolson b. 29.4.1835 and baptised 2.5.1835 in Buaile Dubh, South Uist to Alexander Nicolson and his Campbell wife. The birth may be found in the Catholic records for St Michael Ardkenneth on I imagine his details will also be in the Lawson Croft History for S Uist, Vol 1, Iochdar.

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