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The Isle of South Uist

Gorrie or Siol Gorrie or Siolach Ghoirrdh

Title: Gorrie or Siol Gorrie or Siolach Ghoirrdh
Posted by: Joan Pedlar on 21-09-2013

Discussion: My father was Peter Gorrie, born in Springburn, Glasgow in 1911. With that information I have been able to trace my family back through Dundee, Arbroath and finally outside of Perth, in the late 1700s. I have not been able to go farther back than that. However I believe that our family may originally come from North Uist, according to information on Siol Gorrie (Siolach Ghoirrdh) on Wikipedia. I would be most appreciative if anyone could pass on any information about the Gorrie name and its connection to the Hebrides, and possibly specifically to North Uist.

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Posted by: Chris PIGOTT on 25-06-2015

My great-grandfather was another Peter GORRIE, born in South Kinkell, in the parish of Trinity Gask, in Perthshire, in 1823. His immediate origins appear to be the "ferm toun" of Condocloich, in Fowlis Wester near Monzie.
Family folk-lore suggests his earlier origins were in or near Vallay in North Uist.
See my blog page at or contact me direct at for further information.
Chris PIGOTT, Potts Point, N.S.W.

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