South Uist in the Outer Hebrides
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The Old Shop

Self Catering accommodation on the Isle of North Uist

Main Image 
Contact details 
Proprietor:Mrs MacLellan
6 Tigharry
Isle of North Uist
Email:Click to send email
Telephone:01876 510213
Flights:Check flights now

Tariff details 
Unit typePriceSleeps
Holiday home
£275 - £375Self catering


Situated on the west side of the Isle of North Uist with outstanding views of the Atlantic and the Isle of St Kilda. It is a ten minute walk away from the Balranald Bird Reserve and a five minute stroll from the shore.

The Island of North Uist is renowned for its stunning natural beauty. To the west are sweeping sandy beaches and machair land which provides a unique habitat for many species of rare birds. By contrast ,on the hills and heathery moorland to the east, deer and eagles may be spotted. A series of causeways join the fragmented islands from Berneray in the north to Eriskay, south of South Uist.
Crofting, crab and lobster fishing, and fish farming are the main industrys of the islands. The Gaelic language is still widely spoken and there are many places to explore where the vistor may gain a sense of the island's history.

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"Is obair látha toiseachadh - A beginning is a good days work", - T.D MacDonald
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