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The Isle of South Uist

MacRury Family East Gernish

Title: MacRury Family East Gernish
Posted by: Michelle MacNeil on 05-12-2012

Discussion: I am wondering if anybody has any information about the history of east gernish?

My grandfather originates from East gernish and is at the moment trying to compile some information about the village. The family name is Macrury

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Posted by: Iain MacKillop on 07-12-2012

The history of "East Gerinish" might be said to begin about 1908. There were houses at Fiacail etc before this but in the second part of 1907 and early 1908, crofts were allocated in Gerinish (East) as follows

1. Peter Campbell
2. Angus MacLeod
3. Michael Struthers
4. Allan MacLeod
5. Ranald MacEachen
6. Widow Mary MacInnes
7. Neil and Kenneth Beaton
8. John Johnstone
9. Angus MacInnes
10. Alex MacLean

This info is in an article
Hope this helps.


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