South Uist in the Outer Hebrides
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The Isle of South Uist

Outer Hebrides Forum

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Most recent forum posts

 Date posted  Title  Posted by...  Replies 
24-12-2008Stewart-MacDonald abt 1810Jim Petermann0
18-12-2008clanranaldKate Whitesell0
02-12-2008TOURISMmichael sutton1
13-04-2008Visit to South Uist and EriskayKasia Dixon5
01-11-2008Chasing the ChildrenThomas Riley0
26-10-2008Howbeg Bannermans in the 1800sRobin MacPherson0
08-09-2007McAulays and O'Hanleys from South Uist to Prince Edward IslandCherie Broomer6
14-08-2008What SchoolDonald MacKechnie2
25-08-2008Steel(e) / Cameron / McDonald Families - Late 1700s/early 1800sLaura Smith0
08-08-2008Family HelpKaren MacLellan0
13-07-2008MacIntyre Gathering at Taynuilt GamesNeila McIntyre0
28-06-2008games challangemary michie1
16-05-2008looking for my long lost friendmoira low1
06-06-2008Help on familyLindsey Russell from McInnes family0
10-04-2008Sea trout fishing in the Western IslesStuart Busby1
03-04-2008Translation from Gaelic to EnglishDonald MacKechnie2
26-02-2008Accommodation - please helpDonald MacKay2
25-03-2008Holiday Accommodation South UistReginald Carruthers1
18-03-2007"where have all the people gone"John MacKinnon4
21-01-2008Any surname walkers on the islands?Bruce Walker3

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The Isle of South UistThe Isle of South Uist
"Cha roch the 's an taighe nuair a bha ciall ga roinn - You were not at home when sense was being divided", - T.D MacDonald
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