South Uist in the Outer Hebrides
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The Isle of South Uist

Outer Hebrides Forum

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Most recent forum posts

 Date posted  Title  Posted by...  Replies 
13-05-2013Finding Flora Maxwellbarbara godfrey5
13-05-2013Hebrides - Islands on the admin6
28-03-2013South Uist sailing-types wantedWestern Isles Sailing1
04-05-2013Genealogy - McLean, McInnes & SharkeyJohn O'Donnell4
13-05-2013Camping in South UistJoanne Riach1
24-02-2013 looking for information on Norris-Mcdonaldbarbara godfrey4
21-03-2013Somewhere to livePaul Harper1
20-10-2012Catherine Maceachenannemarie floyd8
09-04-2013Holiday accommodation - Wheelchair accesscat wright1
21-10-2012Genealogy McInnes MacleansGordon Bruce2
13-03-2013Do You Have Books For Sale?Ian McGinness3
22-02-2013MacEachan, Catherine MacAskill (Uisinis & Bahartivagh/South Uist)Anne Marie (MacKinnon)3
05-12-2012MacRury Family East GernishMichelle MacNeil11
25-01-2013Burns night Supper 26.1.13Jane Coleman0
16-01-2013Are There Any Jobs?Louisa Grant0
12-08-2012Schoolskaren brown4
12-01-2013Caravan wantedCathie Fraser0
19-11-2012Cooking a scarabh (sp?)iain mac phee2
05-05-2012Music....Carla Marshall0
02-07-2012McMullin of Cape Breatonsheldon sim14

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The Isle of South UistThe Isle of South Uist
"Tagh do chomhluadar ma'n tagh thu do dheoch - Choose your company before you choose your drink", - T.D MacDonald
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